Friday, January 9, 2009

Winter Furrrrrrr!

You just HAVE to check out my big puff balls that used to be goats!!! I can't believe the winter fur they got! They don't even look cold in this 20 degree weather we're having. I just had to share how freakin' cute they look!
This is Rosie...she looks so big and fat but it's really all fur! Well, maybe some fat..

This is Quartz. He's sooo funny. He can totally jump the fence of his enclosure. He jumps over and can't get back in. He won't go anywhere because Rosie cries and he won't leave her. If I go out side to let him back in, he runs to greet me because he's so excited to see someone come out. Back in he goes (willingly) and before I even get back to the starts all over again...he jumps out again!


scrapping simply said...

thank you for the ss button ad! you had one order from your site today!:) we will contact you at the end of every month with your free print credits!
happy scrapping!

Pamela said...

They are too cute!!! I cannot believe how big they look.