Saturday, June 12, 2010

School's almost out!

Well, it's June and school's almost out. Jessy is almost done with 7th grade FOREVER. I was always hoping that my baby would never grow up but I'm just going to have to face the fact that it's going to happen just like with the other two. I'm feeling so old lately! Here's a couple layout that I did for Jessy. One is with her besty and the other is a mish mosh of 7th grade...

This first layout is using a template from a blog Brenda Mc? I ran across...can't remember right now and the papers and elements are from Scraps of Ellay "Fayries".

This template was a freebie from Creative memories. The layout is a total mismatch of kits...Misty Cato Designs "Chatty" & Sweet Blossom Designs "Let it Rock" & Creative Memories Freebies. I'm sure there's more but I forget...

1 comment:

Pamela said...

These are both awesome layouts. Jessy will really cherish having these when she is older!