Thursday, May 31, 2018

Dusting off my Blog!

Generally I'm not very good at computer things and technical stuff but I thought I'd dust off my old blog and give it a fresh look.  It will be used mostly for my Creative Memories business sprinkled with a few other crafty posts.  Hope I remember how to use it!  For those who don't know me otherwise, I have currently been a Creative Memories Advisor for 3 years.  I was a Consultant with the old company back inthe 90s and early 2000's.  This is not your old all...couldn't be any more different except we have a lot of the same high quality products such as Albums, Pages, and many of the Tools.  I can't wait to share!  Here is a link to my website so you can have a closer look at what's  I am hoping to reach out to my current customers, hopefully gain some new ones and also to my fellow Advisors because let's face it, we need each other!

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